Figure22. Body of the female deity
Neang Khmao temple, Northern sanctuary, Tonle Bati,
H: 108 cm
Ka. 1653 B. 195 B. 422, 1
Acquired by the museum on 1 June 1923
The beauty of this torso lies in its beautiful
shine, which has been caused by popular belief; people touched the torso in the
hope of being blessed.
The way of wearing and draping the sampot is
identical to that of the previous style. So are the beauty folds under the
However, the fold of the sampot is narrower compared
to the Koh Ker style and pleats are heavier. The garment is most likely held by
a belt that plays a more practical role than in the past.
Figure23. Female deity
Unknown origin
H: 84 cm
Ka. 709
piece shows a two-armed goddess wearing a mukuta. The mukuta is divided
in two sections, the diadem and the chignon cover. The diadem is finely decorated
and the conical chignon cover is decorated along four rows. The mukuta worn
here is almost identical to that worn by Varuna (Ka. 1579) riding the four hamsa
(sacred ganders).
smiling expression, straight eyebrows that are continuous and long earlobes
give this slender and light-breasted goddess a charming personality.